There is no official definition of a superfood. The definition in the Oxford dictionary is “a nutrient-rich food that is considered to be particularly beneficial to health and well-being”.
The term “super-foods” refers to foods that have a high concentration of vitamins, trace elements, minerals, powerful antioxidants and other nutrients, in a small volume of food and have specific health benefits, which have even been certified by clinical studies.
with Cranberry: The most popular Superfood! Cranberry, or else called the “red treasure”, known for its antioxidant properties, rich source of vitamins and amino acids and its immune, mental and cardiovascular benefits!
Mediterranean Breadstick : In addition to the endless blue, the Mediterranean also offers unique benefits for our health! Unsurpassed aroma and unparalleled nutritional value in a superfood like no other!
with Spirulina: Spirulina could not be missing from this category. A Greek ingredient, rich in antioxidants, calcium, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and iron. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, strengthens muscle tissue, increases energy and shields the immune system.
with Spirulina & Sunflower seeds: When Spirulina met Sunflower!
with Carob: The “24 carat” superfood has been proven ultra beneficial for human health. It includes a high percentage of vegetable proteins, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins A and B. A refined food, specifically chosen for those who desire a natural lifestyle and well-being.
Omega-3: Omega-3 is a type of polyunsaturated fat. It is classified as an essential element, which cannot be produced by our body. That’s why we produce it for you! Ingredients such as flaxseed, oats and wheat flour are “getting married”, with the aim of producing the ultimate superfood! Breadsticks full of Omega-3, protein, fiber! Try it!
Zeus: The king of classic authentic taste, with high quality emmer wheat flour. Plenty of fibers, vitamins A and B, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc and manganese. Super in everything!
Zeus with Oat flakes: Zeas flour is combined with oat flakes, producing a breadstick enriched with proteins, fibers, vitamins and trace elements, helping to activate the metabolism, reduce glucose and cholesterol and strengthen the immune system!